Good Digital Habits Start with Samsung Kids on Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 & Galaxy A9+

Learning methods have evolved in the digital age, integrating technology with education. Children now grasp essential concepts through their beloved cartoons and catchy tunes, learning everything from basic math to complex problem-solving, all while imbibing crucial messages of friendship, responsibility, and respect.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 Viu

To enhance this learning experience, the Galaxy Tab A9+ | Tab A9 serves as an ideal tool, providing a diverse range of educational resources to complement traditional learning materials. With Samsung Kids, children can take their first steps into the digital world, accessing a plethora of age-appropriate educational content and playful apps that foster critical thinking and concentration.

For instance, the app CroCro’s Adventure facilitates problem-solving and introduces coding concepts as children embark on a quest to retrieve lost snacks with CroCro. Ensuring a secure digital environment, parents can create a child profile on the tablet, curate available apps and content, set designated playtimes and bedtimes, and monitor their usage with ease.

When the tablet is not in use by the little ones, it can double as your own entertainment hub. Purchase the device now and receive a complimentary 3-month Viu Premium subscription, offering an array of K-dramas for your leisure time. Furthermore, Viu provides content that caters to your children’s preferences, including titles like My Puppy, Detective Conan, and Dr. Stone.

With its impressive specifications and affordability, the Galaxy Tab A9 Series strikes the perfect balance, catering to the needs of the entire family. Don’t miss out on the exciting promotions available from 23 October to 30 November 2023 when purchasing these devices.

More info: Samsung Malaysia

This article brought to you by Samsung Malaysia